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March 7, 2024

United Group Celebrates Women in Construction

This week is Women in Construction Week, a time to celebrate and promote the role women play in the construction industry! 
According to a 2023 Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report, 10.8% of construction workers in the United States are women. This rate has grown by 2% since 2010 and is predicted to grow by 4% between 2021 and 2031. 
At United Group, we have two incredible women on our construction team who continue to make positive contributions to our developments every day: Hannah Galarneau, United Group's Construction Project Specialist, and Kaitlyn Robinson the Construction + Development Assistant at United Group. 
Both young women continue to pave their way in a male-dominated industry, and we are happy to have them on our construction team. 
Learn about their journeys in construction and hopes for the industry's future in a Q&A, below. 
What initially drew you into the construction industry?
Kaitlyn: I fell into this industry by accident but couldn’t be happier about it. I had lots of retail and security experience prior to my time at United Group and when I was notified of an opening with the company in 2021, I jumped at the opportunity due to my prior knowledge of the company. The construction and development departments are filled with some of the most intelligent and kind people I have ever met, and I couldn’t ask for a warmer or more understanding welcome to the industry.
Hannah: Watching my mom go through the process of building a home. I loved every part from picking out floorplans to getting to visit the site to see the progress.
What is your responsibility within the construction department at UGOC?
Kaitlyn: I am the department assistant, so I do anything and everything that’s needed. I’ve handled in-office administrative duties as well as been boots-on-the-ground on job sites punching apartments. I’m often the one nearby with an extra charger or pen and making sure the team has everything they need to best complete their jobs. 
Hannah:  What makes my role here so cool is that every day is different. I get to visit our construction sites, handle change orders and submittals, sit in on development meetings, and every day I am continually learning from my extremely experienced team members who have been instrumental in my success here.
Why is it important to have women in this industry? How have your insights as a woman positively impacted your team and its developments?
Kaitlyn: So often the female perspective is missing from these spaces and given the industry, it shapes so much. From bathroom placement to table heights, women are constantly in and exposed to the results of this work. They deserve to have input as much as anyone else.
Hannah:  I think that there should always be a spot for women at any table. We offer insight, especially when building, that may get overlooked, especially in little details. 
What is the biggest assumption people make about women in construction?
Kaitlyn: Women are often seen as less strong and capable than men on sites, as well as the implications of being there due to male connections. As a woman, you must work twice as hard, and if you ever have an off day, there is a chance of it getting attributed to gender.
Hannah:  That we don’t belong on job sites. I, personally, love proving people wrong. I love working in construction and still being able to love fashion, art, makeup, etc. Embracing my duality in this sense has allowed me to excel in many aspects of my life because, through it all, I am remaining true to myself.
How do you think the construction industry will grow and evolve in the next 20 years?
Kaitlyn: Less than 11% of the construction industry are women despite women making up almost half of the overall workforce, so I’m excited to see that number rise. I think things like WIC Week will grow and help make this a safer and more welcoming industry to be able to foster that growth. 
Hannah:  Having been able to visit the International Builder’s Show last week in Las Vegas, I got to look at some of the latest products that will be hitting the market over the next year. I think a few trends that will shift the industry going forward will be the shift to AI software as well as the presence of technology in all aspects of the building process. 
What words of advice would you give to other women interested in the construction industry?
Kaitlyn: Keep pushing forward and never let anyone dictate what you want and your ability to pursue it.
Hannah: I would tell other women not to feel intimidated and to stay true to yourself. Don’t feel like you need to change to “fit in." I compete for Miss NY USA and the week after I’m on a job site in my boots. Embrace all the things that make you, you! Also, always remember that there are no stupid questions, ask questions often and always be ready to learn.

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